Parfums De Voyage

We travel to escape the ordinary. Of the many impressions we take away from such journeys, it is the sense of smell that leaves the greatest impact on our memory. Scents hold the power to transport us immediately to a place in time, or to recapture a mood or sensation.

Platinum Braid Spice Jewels - Adorned with Intricate Woven Metals to Create a Braid Aesthetic - Timeless & Refined Collection
Gold Braid Spice Jewels - Adorned with Intricate Woven Metals to Create a Braid Aesthetic - Timeless & Refined Collection
Gold Chinese Spoon by L'OBJET - Soup Spoon with a Classic Design - Timeless & Sophisticated Aesthetic Design
Braid Napkin Jewels in Platinum - Hand-Crafted with Brilliant Workmanship - Indulgent and Luxurious Jewels
Braid Napkin Jewels in Gold - Hand-Crafted with Brilliant Workmanship - Indulgent and Luxurious Jewels
8x10-Inch Gold Concorde Frame by L'OBJET - Art Deco Groove Design in Gold
8x10-Inch Braid Frame in Platinum - Hand-Crafted and Sculptural with Elevated Aesthetic - Presented in a Luxury Gift Box
Exclusive - Cable Silver Teaspoon
Exclusive - Cable Or Dinner Knife
Exclusive - Cable Or Dinner Fork
Exclusive - Cable Or Dinner Spoon